Wednesday 1 June 2011

I have went onto the, and I have found out how much a simple garden can drink up so much water, just to maintain it. The water consumption has been compensated at my house by installing water tanks to be able to collect rain water that can be used to water the garden instead of using fresh water from a tap to water the garden. That takes a lot of guilt off my mind about using water on the garden that I didn’t require the fresh drinking water to use on the garden. But if a simple home garden can drink up that much water to grow at its optimum, how does a park which is virtual 50 times the size survive with the water restriction watering. There wasn’t any water tanks that I can see using rain water, but yet the trees, the turf and the entire surroundings was growing lusciously. Was this all coincidence or was it all planned to use the plants that was able to look lusciously even though they had limited water to absorb. I would have to look more into the design of the park, for the park to look so simple and luscious but yet to survive the harsh Australian weather. 

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